An interactive time management app, INTAGROW: cultivating gardens, nurturing focus.

Having trouble putting your phone down and staying focused? With INTAGROW, users can cultivate virtual gardens by setting timers and staying off their phones, fostering mindfulness, and a lovable green space.

Industry: Health & Wellness, Time Management


Neharika Sidda, Greta Yu


User research & synthesis, Documentation, Visual design


April 2021; 3 weeks


Miro, Google Sheets, Adobe; Illustrator, InDesign


Client-facing presentation, User Interface Design, UX Research


The Problem

Since the COVID-19 pandemic's shift to online learning, students have been struggling with their management of time and productivity.

The Solution

Changes made to the interactive technologies used by students can make a space for students to better their time management habits.

The Outcome

A gamified time-management mobile and desktop application (UI concept). Built based on user research collected from students facing unproductivity during online learning.

Phase 1 - DISCOVER


We began this project by assigning tasks to a prioritization matrix. This made delegating roles/tasks much easier and also allowed us to identify areas we need to dedicate more or less time to


User Research

The following is a series of questions posed to gain insights on online learning students' experiences with time management and usage of platforms to help them with managing thier workloads. 

Students identified poor time management and not being able to make friends as some of the worst aspects of online learning.

When asked whether online learning was as effective as face to face learning, nearly 94% of our participants answered no.

The information collected through our survey helped formed the direction our solution would take.



Using the research we collected I was able to synthesize most of it into a series of personas, empathy & journey maps to better understand our user base.

User Persona

Journey Map

Empathy Map

After having decided on the direction for our project (a mobile application) it was important for us to work out the feasibility of building the application.

To do so, we organized our thoughts into Questions, Assumptions, and Insights, based on our ideation phases and our collection of user research



User research helped us pinpoint users' pain points as well as identify when they experience them in their journeys.

I brainstormed design solutions for each of the users' pain points to see where they would take us.

Phase 3 - DESIGN


INTAGROW is a mobile & desktop application in the genre of 'idle-games' it allows users to set a timer for as long as they wish and as they stay off of the app, they have a garden growing in the meantime.

Our aim is to provide users with a productive and rewarding way of staying on task and a rewarding method of holding themselves accountable for that.

With a simple and relaxing layout we hope to keep our users engaged through rewards while maintaining minimal involvement to allow users to complete their goals.

As the user completes goals they set for themselves, the user is able to advance levels and collect points which they are then able to redeem for plant variations to beautify their gardens.


Future Steps

To further refine the app there are a couple areas we'd have to shift our focus to such as:




Continuously collect & implement user feedback for all aspects of the app & building user research.


Consistently work with end-users to develop app interface & experience to cater directly to userbase.

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