Service design, Spatial design, Exhibition, Interaction & Experience Design
Fascinated with the history of oral storytelling tradition & how as children, we grow up hearing many of the same stories despite coming from opposite corners of the world, 'Stories We Share' is an interactive exhibition concept exploring this idea. Seen below are the communication materials designed as a part of this hypothetical exhibition proposal.
The exhibition's visual language takes inspiration from ‘The Little Prince’, the most widely translated book in the world, hopefully serving as a point of connection between potential visitors due to its notability.
Storytelling originated as oral tradition and generational storytelling is a form of preserving history. Though this exhibit, people of different backgrounds will have the chance to share the stories they grew up and relate with others of different cultural/racial backgrounds who happen to have grown up hearing the same stories, unraveling the interconnectedness of oral storytelling tradition.

RESEARCH: Looking through the history of oral storytelling traditions throughout the world.
Links in the document below contains the storytelling snippets used in the presentation deck.
The exhibition is divided into three main sections, each focusing on a form of storytelling and interactivity; Family, Community, and Individual. This was to ensure visitors have the ability to interact with the exhibit comfortably by chosing the level of interactivity they share with others.
FAMILY: An area for widely known children’s books, much like what we find in local libraries. This space is open for people of all ages to read with friends, guardian, partner, sibling, or on their own.

COMMUNITY: reminiscent of story-time periods in preschool or bonfire storytelling, this section gives the audience of all ages the chance to experience storytelling in that kind of group setting. This section would likely have a designated storyteller reading books or telling.
This section would also give International Storytellers who actively practice oral storytelling in their careers/personal lives to share stories. ex. Diane Ferlatte, an American storyteller who uses her personality to portray the characters from the stories she narrates.

Diane Ferlatte’s website: http://www.dianeferlatte.com/
Example of her storytelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEoEGr955tw&ab_channel=DianeFerlatteStoryteller
INDIVIDUAL: To target those who don’t necessarily want to interact with others but still want to interact with the exhibit, this section uses the setting of a bonfire, headphones and a mobile interface. display stories & storytelling from around the world, much like the slide deck seen earlier, creating a mobile, auditory version of folktale directories.