User Experience, Mobile Application, Conceptual Design, Interface Design
Building an Indigenous art & design marketplace as response to explore "Indigenous ideology and accurate representation through visual communication".
This project was prompted by guest lecturer; Sadie Red Wing (Indigenous Design Researcher) at Emily Carr University of Art & Design. In this workshop, participants were briefed with a design challenge considering Indigenous representation, a pressing issue; prevalent worldwide, but especially applicable to the current Canadian landscape, in their treatment of the Indigenous population.

In order to identify where/how my solution would be applicable, I began observing and recollecting my actions and experiences. Through this, I identified where, when, and how I may come across a ‘need’ or ‘want’ for accurate Indigenous representation.
Narrowing down focus & chosen direction through highlighted keywords:

Honing in on the idea of indigenous artwork, I began looking at marketplaces and places to find indigenous representation.
Searching for Indigenous art locally (by city):
leads to results such as forums, travel lists, and articles. There is no central location for this infomation

Looking into existing Indigenous art and design marketplaces, I found that indigenous art is often only categorized either as being from a specific artist or of a specific artwork type.
Existing Marketplaces:

Categorised by Artwork:

Categorised by Artist:

In response to the prompt and given the short 3-day timeframe, I designed a very simple app prototype for an Indigenous art & design marketplace displaying artwork from local Indigenous artists throughout all Canadian provenices.
With reproduced Indigenous art flooding the internet, Indigenous artists, especially local ones, should receive recognition and easier methods of contact and outreach than what is currently available, which is what the concept of PACIFICART is centered around.
Features include:


When considering logo designs, I focused on the local aspect of the application, and where my idea had started. I considered botany and wildlife specific to British Columbia, where I am situated.
The logo of 'PACIFICART' is of the 'West Coast Lady', a species of butterflies, often known as 'painted ladies'. The bright coloured species is native to North America and is frequently spotted throughout British Columbia.
The butterfly is widely known, and holds meaning of stature, in the same manner local indigenous art should be recognized.
© 2024 Neharika Sidda | Made with ♡ in Vancouver, BC