Migratory Birds

Migratory Birds

Data Visualisation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Poster Design

A series of posters designed after the 6 main species of birds as listed in the Migratory Birds Convention Act. The bar at the bottom shows data collected in 2016 of the populations that fall within, above or below National population goals.

Scroll to view all 6 posters.


Visualisations of data sets make it easier for the general population to understand such information, in turn, helping raise awareness and promote conservation efforts.

Tracking the status of Canada's birds can help identify the impact of ecological changes. When species' populations do not fall within acceptable bounds, conservation actions can be taken/enforced to improve these trends over time.

© 2024 Neharika Sidda | Made with in Vancouver, BC

© 2024 Neharika Sidda | Made with in Vancouver, BC